Deploy Web clients

Example config

    -  image: tokendconto/web-client:1.7.0-rc.3
       name: webclient
         iosmanifestlink: ''
         playmarketlink: ''
         imagesbucketurl: '' 
         appname: 'Example'
         supportemail: ''
         supportphone: ''
         supporturl: ''

Required parameters:

Parameter Data
image: link to the assembled docker container
name: pod name (used for kubernetes)
domain: domain name by which the service will respond
config: appname: application name

When changing the name and domain name

When you change these parameters(name and domain), the first step is to delete the old ingress entry:

  • run kubectl delete ingress <old_web_service_name> -n <your_namespace>
  • run kubectl apply -f $NAME.k8s.yaml (apply the newly generated config)

When deleting one of the services

If you want to remove one of the web client you need to remove the entry from your $ NAME.env.yaml and then:

  • run kubectl delete ingress <web_service_name> -n <your_namespace>
  • run kubectl delete deployment <web_service_name> -n <your_namespace>
  • run kubectl apply -f $NAME.k8s.yaml (apply the newly generated config)

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