Activate dashboard you cluster

In order to make it more convenient to monitor the state of the cluster, it is possible to activate 2 types of dashboard The address where the dashboard will be available

  • A simpler one that does not require additional configuration is Kube dashboard To access the panel, you need to get a secret for this, while in the cluster, run:
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep admin | awk '{print $1}')`
  • More flexible and professional Grafana tool it will additionally install Prometheus and Loki to cover basic administration needs. Grafana by default does not carry ready-made dashboards, the user himself must configure it to suit his needs To start, we recommend that you import your dashboard using the code 7249

Example config

Kube dashboaerd

     enable: true
     url: you-base.domain

Grafana + Prometheus + loki

     enable: true
     username: ""
     password: ""
     url: you-base.domain

Installing Weave Scope

Weave Scope tool for quick analysis of cluster health to activate it follow

kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

kubectl port-forward -n weave "$(kubectl get -n weave pod --selector=weave-scope-component=app -o jsonpath='{}')" 4040

after analysis, you can delete this dashboard

kubectl delete ns weave

Installing Telegram Alerts

In order to receive messages about the status of the cluster in the chat with the project or in person, you must:

  1. register a bot through BotFather
  2. using the @RawDataBot bot to get the ID of a personal chat or a group
  3. create a separate namespace in the kubectl cluster create ns alert
  4. launch the bot with execution
    kubectl --namespace alert run kubewatch --image xxxvikxakerxxx / telegramalert: 0.0.1 - --telegramapi = "" --telegramgroup = "" pods
    at the same time, if this is a group chat, then id should be specified without "-" for personal chats, it should be added "-"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""